Celon NYC Halloween party 2019
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    Celon NYC 346 W 40th St New York, NY 10018 (347) 592-0300
    Saturday Oct 26th, 2019 10:00pm - 4am

    Buy Tickets Now!More information

    Saturday October 26th, 2019 –  Celon NYC Halloween party 2019 located at 40 W 40th St, New York, NY 10001 (347) 592-0300. Music By NYC Hottest Djs! The Only Party to be in Hottest Celon NYC this Halloween Saturday Night in NYC...Saturday Halloween night Midtown New York! www.Gametightny.com (347) 592-0300 info/tickets

    Limited Tickets are $25

    For more information on Halloween Saturday Night at Celon NYC 2019  call/ text 3475920300 or log onto Gametightny.com

    New York Halloween NYC Parties 2019 — powered by GametightNY
